Monday, February 22, 2010

hey look! its me hehe..

Salam and hye to all my reader..

During my cuti for a week lepas ni la sebahagian aktiviti yg penulis hadiri hehe..

Belon panas ad due je tapi best gak tau..huhu..nantikan bulan March ni can choose any ballo0n that u want to.

Thats me and my mase nk fes naik..

lily decide xnk bwk kamera nek atas sbb nk shoot balloon tu..n lily pon ley interframe skali hehe

so, ad brother tu yg jage ballon kt bwh tu sudi mnggantikan posisi lily utk take a pictures

hehe..sape yg excited lebih tu ek haha..

Mase hanging ni kitrg la yg paling lame..huhu

time kasih kt brother yg jaga kt ats tu..hehe
bile turun je,.terus kene tegur mmbe seangkatannya..kami lebih lame kt atas sbb girls sumenya hehe

Sebelum kitrg nek belon panas tu,ni la aktivinya..senmrobik
huhu..start dlm kul 7.30 a.m
hehe gmba ktrg xbyk time ni sbb asyik senam2 hehe

Ahah! nk di jadikan story, karnival ni selama dua, semalamnya (Sabtu 20.feb)kitrg g support ank buah ad wt persembahan dikir barat..hehe

Harith pandg cnila..npe pndg sne huhuhu..

NI la die sbelum persembahan..Harith yg berdiri 6 dari kanan.

Yeah, dar kiri kakjun(sis in-law), abg im(my bro),kak yu. and akak and HArith

Now get ready to Ampng Park..

Destinasi utuk mengisi perut kt nasi lemak Atrbangsa kpg baru di area Ampang park..

Npe g kt cni? sebb free kot haha..
yup fmily business(my bro n sista) they still new ownering these outlet..

me nothng..just busy with my camera ;)

Blik Ptrajaya, ad fireworks la plak so, snap the camera again ;)

hehe..byk ag gmba nk letak tp connection xbest la plak..
so smpi disini saje;) thanks for all of you sudi membaca...
ok guys tata..


  1. wah jumpe nnt 17-21 march

    nk gak makan free...

  2. ok2 kite amik gmba byk2 huhu...
    nk mkn free?
    tnyela abg dlu haha
