Saturday, June 20, 2009

Inx-eyed#7 : Study for test


Salam solidariti semua reader...
hows your huh?
with the smogging around the air..hmmm
stuck to get clean breath air...well arini aku duk umah study for the test next week..
hmm dengan meninggalkan kerje assignment (pause kejap hehe-add)...pecah pale..walaupon short sem jek..
kalian wtpe tuh..?..xstudy kew?...huhuu-add
oh ya...baru2 ni aku ad add sepultura huhu kat mespes.hehe bes gler..emm buku yang dipegang oleh gadis di atas tu hehe-add rase2 kalian best x hehe-add..
wah...xtau nak wt pe nih...smbung study lik la k tata..all..
arini xsempat nk bagi lirik lagu or chords...layan jela lagu bebas kat blog aku ni je la hehehe..enjit2..semut sape sakit nek atas...lalalala...

special thanks ,
P.M book.
notebook camera..
and my love aik3 hehe